BE-U Vitamin C.

IV infusion specialised to boost skin health and immunity.

Benefits of Vitamin C.

  • Woman Showing Neck

    Promote Collagen Production

    Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which is the essential protein that gives our skin the elasticity firmness and youthful appearance.

  • Meditation On Sunrise

    Protects Against UV Damage

    Vitamin C protects the skin from the damaging effects of UV radiation by eliminating the free radicals generated from UV exposure, which can cause premature ageing.

  • Freckles In Body Of Woman

    Improves Skin Health

    Vitamin C can inhibit the production of melanin which cause skin discolouration. It has also been found to improve hyperpigmentation, dark sports and uneven skin tone.

  • Covered Face With Blanket

    Boosts Immune System

    Vitamin C is a key nutrition for immune support. A strong immune system is essential for your overall health and the maintenance of healthy skin, bones, and teeth.

Woman Getting IV Drip Medication

Why get a Vitamin C drip?

While consuming Vitamin C orally through diet or supplements can provide health benefits, IV Vitamin C therapy offers unique advantages that may not be achieved through oral consumption alone.

IV vitamin C therapy delivers high doses of vitamin C directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system and ensuring optimal absorption and utilisation by the body. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with compromised digestive systems or those who struggle to absorb nutrients effectively.

IV vitamin C therapy can also provide faster and more noticeable results, such as improved immune function, increased energy, and enhanced recovery from illness or injury.

Our clinic offers IV vitamin C therapy under the guidance of our experienced healthcare providers, who will work with you to create a personalised treatment plan that addresses your unique health concerns and supports optimal wellness.

Lady Sitting Getting IV Drip

Customisable Treatments.

IV vitamin C treatment is a highly customisable therapy that can be tailored to meet your specific needs and health goals.

At our clinic, we offer personalised IV vitamin C treatments that allow us to adjust the dosage and concentration of vitamin C to ensure optimal absorption and utilisation by your body.

Our High dose Vitamin C treatments can start from 15 grams and can go as high as 35 grams.

We take into account your individual factors, such as age, weight, health status, and nutrient absorption, to create a personalised cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that works synergistically to support overall health and wellness. By offering customised IV vitamin C treatments, we can provide you with a safe and effective approach to achieving optimal health and wellbeing.

Our team of experienced healthcare providers will work with you to create a tailored IV vitamin C treatment plan that meets your unique needs and helps you achieve your health and wellness goals.


Woman Holding Orange

15 grams - $450

  • Initial treatment

  • 10 min health consultation and consent

  • Finger prick blood test

  • 15 - 30 minute infusion time

Woman Holding Orange

25 grams - $550

  • Initial treatment

  • 10 min health consultation and consent

  • Finger prick blood test

  • 30 - 45 minute infusion time

Woman Holding Orange Vitamin C

35 grams - $700

  • Only available from second treatment and onwards

  • 10 min health consultation and consent

  • Finger prick and official blood test

  • 30 - 45 minute infusion time


  • The administration of Vitamin C injections at standard doses are considered safe.

    Generally, the most common side effects include pain and swelling at the injection site.

    Even at very high doses, Vitamin C injections appear to be well-tolerated, with only a few associated side effects, such as nausea and injection site pain.

    Our health professionals will be on site to monitor your symptoms and ensure you are safe.

  • In essence, a vitamin drip is a medical intervention in which vitamins are delivered to the patient via a small tube inserted into a vein (IV).

    The duration of treatment may vary from 20 minutes to an hour, and multiple sessions may be necessary.

    Our skilled medical professional oversees the safe administration of the treatment and will remain with you at the duration of your treatment.

  • Upon receiving IV fluids, your body will immediately begin to replenish hydration and electrolytes, leading to a sense of revitalisation.

    Following treatment, individuals typically report feeling invigorated and energised, with many experiencing the benefits of the treatment for an extended period of time.

  • Everyone has a personal preference on how often they should have this treatment.

    We recommend having an IV Vitamin C every week for one month, then every two weeks afterwards to keep your nutrient levels stable.

  • You absolutely can!

    We can do the IV treatments anytime you visit our clinic and whilst you are doing a skin treatment.

  • Yes we do!

    We require a minimum treatment of 5 people to do the infusion.

    Special prices for treatments over 10 people on the day.

    We charge for our kms travelled and hours worked by our staff member.

    Fill out the form below to contact our team for pricing.


Get in touch.